Friday, October 10, 2014

frcs ophthalmology

fcps ophthalmology

FRCS Ophthalmology

Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons

What is FRCS?

Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) is a professional qualification to practise as a senior surgeon in Ireland or the United Kingdom. It is bestowed by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

Format of FRCS

FRCS comprises of three parts
  1. part 1 (written)
  2. part 2 (written)
  3. part 3 or practical exam


Part 1 : mbbs acceptable to general medical council of uk with one year house job and one year experience after house job.
Part 2 : passing of part 1 and 5 year training of which 4.5 year should be in ophthalmology (in addition to above training).
Part 3 : part 1 + part 2


Pakistani doctors who have fcps in ophthalmology are exempted from part 1 of frcs ophth

Paper Pattern

Part 1 : 2 hour paper with 160 mcq's
 Anatomy 25%
 Physiology 25%
 Pathology 25%
 Embryology, pharmacology, cell biology and biochemistry, genetics and optics 25%

Part 2 : there are two papers in part 2
     Paper 1:The syllabus will be tested in roughly the following proportions:
  • Lid Lesions 5%
  • Disorders of Lacrimal Drainage 2%
  • Conjunctiva 3%
  • Cornea 9%
  • Sclera 3%
  • Lens 9%
  • Glaucoma 9%
  • Uveitis 6%
  • Intra-ocular Tumours 4%
  • Retinal Detachment 4%
  • Acquired Macular Diseases 9%
  • Hereditary Fundus Dystrophies 3%
  • Retinal Vascular Disease 6%
  • Strabismus 6%
  • Orbit 5%
  • Neuro-ophthalmology 7%
  • General Medicine 10%

       Paper 2 :This paper is of 2 hours 15 minutes’ duration.
       The paper comprises 4 questions, each of which presents candidates with a brief description of 
clinical problems.

Part 3 :Part 3 comprises two sections
Structured Oral Examinations
This section consists of 3 x 20-minute examinations on the following subjects:
Ophthalmic Medicine
Ophthalmic Surgery and Pathology
General Medicine and Neurology

Clinical Examination
This section consists of 4 x 12-minute examinations, on four main themes:
Anterior Segment Disorders
Posterior Segment Disorders
Neuro-ophthalmic and Ocular Motility Disorders
Oculoplastic and Lid Disorders

Centers in Pakistan

There are two centers for frcs ophthalmology in pakistan
  1. karachi
  2. islamabad


syllabus is available here

Pros and Cons


  • accepted worldwide
  • consultant designation
  • preferred over fcps

  • you will not be inducted in the ik system as a consultant but as an M.O. cause it really is not a specializing diploma (you will be considered a consultant elsewhere)
  • difficult to get residency/training in Pakistan for fcps
for any more guidance or any help just comment

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